Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Advisory Circulars (ACs) contain information about standards, practices, and procedures that the Director has found to be an acceptable means of compliance with the associated rule.

Consideration will be given to other methods of compliance that may be presented to the Director. When new standards, practices, or procedures are found to be acceptable they will be added to the appropriate AC.

To order printed copies call 0800 GET RULES (0800 438 785), or order online at link)

To see a list of ACs we are working on and new ACs, please check here: 

Advisory circulars monthly report (February 2025) [PDF 257 KB]

To see a summary of the results from our recent AC feedback survey, please check here: AC survey results [PDF 210 KB]

The Advisory Circulars are being progressively updated to reflect the Civil Aviation Act 2023, which replaces the Civil Aviation Act 1990 from 5 April 2025. Rule Part numbering is unchanged under the Civil Aviation Act 2023, with some exceptions regarding subparts.