Quick find links to key drones-related information, including forms and Advisory Circulars, along with articles from Vector Magazine.

The CAA talks drones

Listen to our three interviews on drones in New Zealand: "If you fly a drone, you're a pilot""BVLOS operations and the GA pilot", and "The business of drones".

BVLOS is here: Read your NOTAMs and Supplements! [PDF 211 KB]

Beyond visual line of sight uncrewed flights are happening right now. Here are some tips to share the sky.

BVLOS is coming - read your NOTAMs! [PDF 160 KB]

Up until now, flying a drone has been allowed only if its operator or an observer could always see it, and the surrounding airspace, with their own eyes.

As if you needed it, there's another reason to stay out of military airspace. Drones. [PDF 152 KB]

The NZDF is increasingly concerned about near misses between its drones and manned aircraft.

Taking drone safety seriously [PDF 104 KB]

The chief executive officer of NZ Drones may be only 19 years old, but he’s taken on his responsibilities regarding safety like someone who’s grown wise with years of experience and close calls.

Beyond visual line of sight - the next step for UA [PDF 70 KB]

The CAA is considering applications for the testing of unmanned aircraft flying beyond visual line of sight to help make sure such operations are safe.

Going public with drones [PDF 77 KB]

The CAA has launched a public campaign to encourage the safe use of drones at a time when the public can’t seem to get enough of them.

Seeing eye to eye [PDF 239 KB]

Part 61 pilot and commercial drone operator John Bampfylde fears there’s a chasm in the understanding of the rules between traditional pilots and drone operators. He offers some tips for avoiding catastrophe.

Drones are here. Now. Read your NOTAMS [PDF 78 KB]

Increasing RPAS activity in New Zealand skies highlights the critical need for pilots to know where they might encounter one.

Flying drone aware [PDF 114 KB]

The increasing popularity of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or ‘drones’ brings with it a greater need for awareness from all aviation participants.

Uncontrolled aerodromes and drones [PDF 166 KB]

Two of the country’s busiest aerodromes have developed plans to deal with the surge of drone users, demonstrating how seasoned aviation participants can work with newcomers to ensure everyone’s safety.

Places not to drone [PDF 1 MB]

Late 2015 in California, a massive wildfire swept across Interstate 15 destroying 20 vehicles. Firefighters may have been able to contain the blaze if drone users hadn’t prevented emergency aircraft from operating.

Reporting drone occurrences [PDF 171 KB]

In 2015, there were 198 occurrences involving drones reported to the CAA, but anecdotal evidence suggests there may be many more. So we need you to report these occurrences so we can direct our actions effectively.

Manufacturing safe drones [PDF 220 KB]

Drones, RPAS, UAVs… Whatever you call them, they are a growing technology that many Kiwi companies are embracing for myriad tasks. Vector chatted with two of the manufacturers in New Zealand to find out how they aim for the highest safety standards.

RPAS update [PDF 95 KB]

New rules have been in place since 1 August 2015 for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (commonly called drones). There’s good information on the CAA website, but confusion has been generated by some media reports.

Proactive always better than reactive [PDF 108 KB]

With the move by the CAA to base its initiatives on risk rather than compliance, it needs more information about what’s happening ‘out there’.

Regulating RPAS - where to now? [PDF 125 KB]

Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), or drones as they’re often called, are rapidly changing the world’s airspace, and with that increased airspace traffic comes the need to ensure everything can operate safely.