Advisory Circulars (ACs) provide an acceptable means of compliance with Civil Aviation Rules.
To see a list of ACs we are working on and new ACs, please check here:
Advisory Circulars monthly report (January 2025) [PDF 234 KB]
To provide feedback on ACs, please see the list open for consultation below.
See draft ACs closed for comment
This AC has been updated and is open for consultation. Revision 2 updates this AC in line with redrafted rules under the Civil Aviation Act 2023 (CA Act 2023) to prepare for the CA Act 2023 coming into force in April 2025. It also:
As with other ACs, sections in yellow highlight are proposed insertions and sections in strikethrough are proposed deletions.
If you have any comments or feedback please send this via the Advisory Circular feedback form.
Comments close Tuesday 18 March 2025.
AC91-25 Revision 0, Passenger Safety Briefings [PDF 541 KB]
This draft AC includes advice about Special categories of passengers, and Preparing for passengers’ communication needs, which could impact Deaf and disabled people We’ve been working with Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People to share this invitation with the Deaf and disabled community through their networks. We will share what we learn through the consultation process with them. CAA will not share feedback with other agencies or identify any submitter.
We've also prepared an outline of the key points:
Outline of Advisory Circular AC91-25, Passenger Safety Briefings [PDF 154 KB]
Word versions of both documents are available here:
AC91-25 Revision 0, Passenger Safety Briefings [DOCX 126 KB]
Outline of Advisory Circular AC91-25, Passenger Safety Briefings [DOCX 36 KB]
If you have any comments or feedback, please send this via the online feedback form: Advisory Circular feedback form for AC91-25.
If this is not possible, you can email CAA at
Comments close Monday 3 March 2025. Please provide any comments by that date.
The ACs that have been put up for consultation since the beginning of 2023 are listed below, in numerical order.
AC00-1, Revision 3, Acceptability of Parts and AC43-3, Revision 6, Parts Documentation—CAA Form Two-New Zealand Domestic Part Label
We have updated these two ACs, to address a potential contradiction between Part 43 and AC 43-3 and AC00-1. Because the changes in AC00-1, clarifying the use of CAA Form Two, are reflected in changes to AC43-3, which is about CAA Form Two, we felt participants would find it more efficient to review the ACs together.
AC00-1, Revision 3, Acceptability of Parts [PDF 489 KB]
AC43-3, Revision 6, Parts Documentation—CAA Form Two-New Zealand Domestic Part Label [PDF 351 KB]
Revision 3 of AC00-1 clarifies some technical issues, as below:
Revision 6 of AC 43-3 updates terminology and wording where needed to clarify guidance.
Comments closed Wednesday 11 September 2024.
AC00-1, Revision 2, Acceptability of parts [PDF 470 KB]
Revision 2:
Comments closed Tuesday 7 May 2024.
AC-002, Revision 2, Storage and distribution of aeronautical supplies [PDF 435 KB]
This AC is open for consultation for the first time since 2007. Revision 2 is a substantive update of this AC. It updates content throughout and removes information:
Lastly, it adds a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 28 October 2024.
AC00-3, Revision 2, Internal Quality Assurance – open for consultation [PDF 588 KB]
This is the first time this AC has been reviewed since 2007. Revision 2 of this AC is a complete rewrite and reordering of this AC. It also takes the opportunity to add an appendix, which provides general advice on how to run an IQA process. Lastly, it adds a Version History. While this AC is directly relevant for Parts 109, 140 and 149 organisations, other sectors who are running SMS may also find the guidance and tips useful in developing a robust SMS.
Comments closed Thursday 24 August 2023.
This AC has been updated to reflect the new AC145-2, Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M) between New Zealand and Singapore – Advice for Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (AMOs), which provides guidance for approved New Zealand-based Part 145-certificated AMOs to perform maintenance on CAAS civil aeronautical products in accordance with the requirements of NZ Part 145
Comments closed Monday 17 April 2023.
Revision 7 is the first time this AC has been updated since 2002 and provides clarification regarding the content of the form CAA 2129. We have also taken the opportunity to add a Version History.
Comments closed Friday 16 February 2024.
Proposal to revoke AC43-12, Non-aeronautical lead acid batteries
As part of our review of ACs, CAA has determined that this AC is no longer fit for purpose, as the acceptable standards are out of date, and the remaining guidance is either better suited to a webpage or can be found in manufacturers’ instructions.
We proposed to revoke this AC, unless participants were strongly in favour of its retention.
Comments closed Monday 26 February 2024.
AC61-1, Revision 13, Pilot licences and ratings – General – open for consultation [PDF 456 KB]
Revision 13 adds a requirement to provide evidence of remedial training in the event of a flight test failure, in the section on rule 61.21, Flight tests. This change reflects advice from CAA in a seminar for General Aviation participants in October 2023, where CAA and participants discussed the need for proper assessment of remedial training.
Comments closed Wednesday 03 April 2024.
AC61-10, Revision 13, Pilot Licences and Ratings [PDF 487 KB]
Revision 13:
Comments closed Monday 5 August 2024.
AC61-19, Revision 15, Pilot licences and ratings - Flight Examiner Ratings [PDF 477 KB]
Revision 15 is a substantive change which:
Comments closed Monday 20 February 2024.
AC066-1, Rev 5, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence - General [PDF 757 KB]
Revision 5 of this AC adds a section in Subpart C, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Ratings 66.103(3), Overseas B1 Training Courses (Limited powerplant platform ratings). This explains the process which enables acceptance of international B1 courses to allow for a limited powerplant rating to be awarded when fitted to the specified airframe platform.
Comments closed Tuesday 20 March 2023.
AC91-06, Revision 2, Aircraft Technical Log [PDF 459 KB]
Revision 2:
Comments closed Thursday 26 October 2023.
AC91-11, Revision 3, Single Pilot IFR – open for consultation [PDF 694 KB]
Revision 3 is a substantive revision which:
Comments closed Wednesday 24 April 2024.
AC91-17, Revision 2, Light Hazards on Aircraft [PDF 327 KB]
Revision 2 changes the title of the AC from Laser Strikes on Aircraft to Light Hazards on Aircraft. It also adds the following:
Comments closed Monday 27 May 2024.
AC92-2, Revision 4, Carriage of Dangerous Goods [PDF 1.4 MB]
Revision 4 adds five new sections:
We have also amended the notes section in Table 6.1, Ammunition, by deleting the maximum quantity per passenger weight.
Comments closed Monday 19 August 2024.
This draft advisory circular is associated with the Notice for Proposed Rule-Making (NPRM) 24-02.
The objective of this proposal is to develop rules to support, and give effect to, the provisions in the Civil Aviation Act 2023 (2023 Act) for drug and alcohol management plans and testing.
To assist understanding of the 2023 Act provisions, and effect of the rules, a draft advisory circular has been developed. As well as providing answers to questions you may have on the drug and alcohol regime being introduced, it contains a draft DAMP template, designed to reduce the administrative cost to participants.
Comments closed Friday 10 May 2024.
AC100-1, Revision 3, Safety Management [PDF 3.3 MB]
This AC has been revised, to fix typos and other minor errors, and remove out of date rules references and transitional provisions.
Comments closed Tuesday 13 June 2023.
AC102-1, Revision 1, Unmanned Aircraft - Operator Certification [PDF 811 KB]
Revision 1 is a comprehensive revision which:
We were also interested in participants’ views as to whether any of the checklists would sit better on a dedicated page on the CAA website, rather than in this AC.
Comments closed Tuesday 02 April 2024.
AC105-1, Revision 3, Parachuting — Operating Rules [PDF 181 KB]
This AC has been revised for the first time since 2017. Revision 3 is not a substantive revision, but corrects format and style to align it with current AC format.
Comments closed Wednesday 20 September 2023.
AC109-1, Revision 5, Regulated Air Cargo Agent – Certification – open for consultation [PDF 777 KB]
Revision 5 is a substantive update which:
Comments closed Sunday 24 September 2023.
AC115-7, Revision 1, Adventure Aviation — Special Aircraft Operations [PDF 254 KB]
This AC has been updated as part of a systematic revision of ACs. Revision 1 is the first update since 2016. It updates format and style to align with current ACs, moves a table to Appendix A, to make it easier to read, and adds a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 12 June 2023.
AC115-3, Revision 1, Adventure Aviation — Parachute Drop-Aircraft Operations [PDF 246 KB]
This AC has been updated as part of a systematic revision of ACs. Revision 1 is the first update since 2016. It updates rule 91.513, adds a reference to Part 105, Subpart A, General, adds an Appendix A for easy reference and updates the style to align with current ACs. We have also added a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 12 June 2023.
AC115-4, Revision 1, Adventure Aviation — Tandem Parachute Operations [PDF 234 KB]
This AC has been updated as part of a systematic revision of ACs. Revision 1 is the first update since 2016. It adds a section on Rule 115.573, Maintenance of tandem parachutes, updates format and style to align with current ACs and adds a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 12 June 2023.
AC115-8, Revision 1, Adventure Aviation — Microlight Aircraft Operations [PDF 216 KB]
This AC has been updated as part of a systematic revision of ACs. Revision 1 is the first update since 2016. It clarifies rule 115.811, Minimum heights, updates format and style to align with current ACs, and adds a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 12 June 2023.
AC115-1, Rev 4, Adventure Aviation — Operator Certification [PDF 880 KB]
This AC has been updated as part of a systematic revision of ACs. Revision 4 is the first update since 2016 and:
Comments closed Monday 12 June 2023.
AC119-1, Revision 8, Air Operator Certification [PDF 828 KB]
This AC has been revised for the first time since 2014. Revision 8 is a substantive update which deletes outdated sections and updates sections throughout. It also updates the style and format to align with other ACs and adds a Version History.
Comments closed Monday 18 November 2024.
AC119-4, Revision 2, Passenger, Crew and Baggage Weights [PDF 527 KB]
This AC has been revised for the first time since 2005.
Revision 2 updates the style to align with other ACs, and adds information about calculating weights and balances with the aid of a computer tool or app. It also adds a Further Resources section and a Version History.
Comments closed Tuesday 20 August 2024.
AC121-7 & 125-2, Ditching – Techniques, Hazards, and Survival, Revision 1 [PDF 716 KB]
This AC has been revised for the first time since 2010.
Revision 1 has changed the title to incorporate Part 121, Air Operations Large Aeroplanes. It substantially updates the content throughout and changes the order of many sections. We have also taken the opportunity to add to the Definitions section, and add an Abbreviations section and a Version History. An appendix of suggested checklists has been added. Lastly, we have deleted the Risk Assessment and Mitigations section as guidance is now available from other ACs.
Comments closed Tuesday 24 October 2023.
AC133-1, Revision 0, Helicopter External Load Operations [PDF 2.1 MB]
This is a new AC, relating to Part 133, Subparts B, Operating rules and related requirements, F, Instruments and Equipment, and G, Maintenance. It outlines CAA’s expectations of operators who are carrying out external load operations conducted under Civil Aviation Rule Part 133, Helicopter External Load Operations.
In summary, CAA expects evidence that operators are:
The AC also highlights areas of concern that CAA inspectors have raised, and issues for operators to be mindful of when planning their operations and managing risks.
Comments closed Tuesday 16 January 2025.
After the earlier consultation period, we have now been able to incorporate feedback and add material that will help Part 139-certificate holders meet their obligations with regards to runway condition reporting. The new version of this AC has the additional appendices:
Comments closed Tuesday 17 October 2023.
CAA would like to thank participants who gave detailed and constructive feedback that has been very useful in enhancing this AC.
AC139-4, Revision 7, Aerodrome Rescue and Firefighting [PDF 574 KB]
Revision 7 is a substantive revision which, among other things:
Comments closed Friday 23 August 2024.
AC139-10, Revision 2, Control of Obstacles [PDF 268 KB]
This AC has been updated for the first time since 2007. Revision 2 updates references and key information, makes the language more direct and adds a Version History.
Comments closed Friday 26 April 2024.
AC145-1 Revision 8, Aircraft Maintenance Organisations [PDF 692 KB]
This AC has been revised, following a request for CAA to clarify the necessary requirements for training of staff to certify components for release to service. Every Part 145-Certificated organisation will have established authorisation procedures, including the assessment of staff prior to the issuance of an authorisation. In the case of organisations maintaining components, authorisation procedures will identify the relevant component technical training course which must be undertaken prior to an authorisation being issued.
AC145-1 provides guidance to organisations who choose to establish an internal training function to address this requirement. In Section 6, Training and assessment (E1 rating or internal training) this AC identifies ATA Specification 104, Guidelines for Aircraft Maintenance Training, as guidance material for organisations choosing to conduct internal training. ATA Specification 104 expands on the guidance in this AC and provides a framework for organisations conducting technical training. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that ATA Specification 104 and AC145-1 are read in combination when establishing the relevant training.
Comments closed Thursday 22 June 2023.
AC145-2, Rev 0, Advice for AMOs on Tech Agreement Maintenance between CAAS and CAANZ [PDF 437 KB]
On 30 September 2022, the CAA of NZ signed a Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M) with CAA Singapore. The text of the TA-M can be found on the CAA website here. We have drafted a new AC, AC145-2, Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M) between New Zealand and Singapore – Advice for Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (AMO) to:
Comments closed Thursday 16 March 2023.