The objective of the initial issue of Part 99 is to give effect to provisions in the Civil Aviation Act 2023 (the 2023 Act) for drug and alcohol management plans and testing – specifically subpart 6 of Part 4, and clauses 24-31 in Schedule 1.

Specifically, the rules are required to:

  • identify DAMP (Drug and Alcohol Management Plan) operators for the purposes of section 113 of the 2023 Act
  • prescribe notification, reporting and administrative matters, and provide for some matters to be dealt with in transport instruments made separately by the Director of Civil Aviation
  • manage the two-year transition period (from 5 April 2025 to 4 April 2027) so that CAA is able to efficiently consider DAMPs submitted to it for approval, and
  • make amendments to existing rule parts so that Drug and Alcohol Management Plans (DAMPs) become part of operator expositions after the transition period and can be updated.

This rule part is pending and will come into effect on 5 April 2025, under the Civil Aviation Act 2023. It is accompanied by an Advisory Circular and Transport Instrument which will also come into effect on that date.

Part 99, Initial issue - Drug and Alcohol Management Plans (DAMPs) [PDF 328 KB]

Civil Aviation (DAMP: reporting to the Director) Transport Instrument CATI 99.19 [PDF 170 KB]

Advisory Circular AC99-1 Drug and Alcohol Management Plans

DAMP template [DOCX 38 KB]

DAMP compliance matrix [DOCX 175 KB]