The purpose of this CAN is to notify MD369 helicopters operators and maintenance providers of occurrences recently reported to CAA of finding duplex bearing distress in numerous MD369 Tail Rotor Gearboxes (TRG).
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) at Revision 2 is revised to clarify the component maintenance requirements below and add a recommendation to replace parts which have reached the manufacturers recommended replacement interval, and inform aircraft operators and maintainers that Robinson Helicopters Corporation (RHC) have revised the component maintenance requirements in Chapter 1.102 of the R44 Series Maintenance Manual dated December 2021. Refer: The revised component maintenance requirements: Electric Fuel Pump P/N D743-1, -2, -3 and -4 must be replaced with a new P/N D743-3 pump at 2200 hours TTIS; and Fuel Pressure Relief Valve P/N D321-1 must be replaced with a new or overhauled part at 12 years, or before 2200 hours TTIS.
The intent of this CAN is to raise awareness of these occurrences and draw attention to the possible early warning signs of engine failure. The CAA has received several reports from operators of Continental CD-135 and CD-155 engines experiencing power loss in flight with associated engine vibrations and a loss of oil pressure.
The CAA has received a report of an aircraft accident which resulted from an in-flight engine roll back to ground idle. The engine roll back appears to have been the result of a failed engine compressor discharge Pressure (Pc) Safety Valve. The intent of this CAN is to raise awareness of this event, and to draw attention to the requirements provided in the Aeronautical Accessories Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) and Aeronautical Accessories Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) No. AA-06107.
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise Jabiru engine operators of the safety recommendations identified by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) with an investigation of a propeller loss on a Jabiru J430 aircraft in Austral
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is issued to advise affected helicopter operators and maintainers of two recent occurrences of smoking Rolls-Royce/Allison 250 series engines, due to failure of OEM supplied #5 bearing carbon seal with P/N 689876
This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is prompted by reports received by the CAA of operators experiencing a loss of compression and engine power due to cracks found in a number of Lycoming parallel valve cylinders listed in the applicability section
This CAN is prompted by a report received by a New Zealand maintenance organization from Accurate Accessories of suspect bearings installed in certain PTGs which may not reach their TBO.
Schweizer 269C-1 Post Flight Engine Checks
Champion Oil Filters P/N CFO-100-1