Aircraft Operations Statistics Helicopter and Part 137 Agricultural Operators
102SE001 Annex A Fit to Fly
102SE001 Annex B Planning and Operational Risk Assessment
102SE001 Annex C Property Owner_Occupier Notification Form
102SE001EN - Sample Exposition Explanatory Note
102SE001OM - Operations Manual
2102 - Aircraft weight and balance report form
2129 - Aircraft Radio Station Approval form
2171 - Agreement to supply manufacturer's data
2173 - fill - Weight and balance data - fillable versions
2173 - print - Weight and balance data - pdf for printing
23008 - Flight evaluation schedule for GPS IFR approval
24011-01 - Petition to raise a regulatory issue
24011-02 - Section 37 petition for exemption
24019-01 - Application for issue, renewal or amendment of a certificate of approval for supply under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 19 Subpart F
24019-02 - Part 19F matrix
24019-04 - Application for test pilot approval - Experimental flying
24019-05 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for a supply organisation under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 19, Subpart F
24021-01 - Application for issue or amendment of a type certificate
24021-02 - Issue or amendment of a type acceptance certificate form
24021-05 - Issue of standard/restricted airworthiness certificate form
24021-07 - Issue of a special flight permit form
24021-08 - Application for a change to a type certificate
24021-09 - Issue of a supplemental type certificate form
24021-10 - Issue of an export certificate of airworthiness form
24021-11 - Application for deviation from specification
24021-12 - Technical standard order authorisation form
24021-13 - Parts manufacturing approval authorisation form
24021-14 - Light sport aircraft statement of compliance form
24021-22 - Application for one-off major design change authorisation
24021-06A - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (experimental)
24021-06B - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (exhibition or limited)
24021-06C - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (amateur-built)
24021-06D - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (LSA)
24021-20 - Electrical Load Analysis
24039-01 - Application for alternate means of compliance form
24047-01 - Registration of aircraft form
24047-03 - Change of possession of aircraft form
24047-03A - Change of possession of aircraft form (use when the person relinquishing possession is unavailable)
24047-04 - Identifiable paint scheme and marking form
24047-05 - Deregistration of aircraft form
24047-08 - Operator statement details
24047-09 - Submission of an irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation - Section 109 of the Civil Aviation Act 1990
24047-09A - Irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation - Section 109 of the Civil Aviation Act 1991
24047-10 - Removal request - irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation - Section 111 of the Civil Aviation Act 1990
24047-13 - Application for deferral of participation levy
24047-14 - Application to change the registration mark of a New Zealand registered aircraft
24061-01 - Application for issue of flight crew licence or prime rating
24061-02 - Application for issue of New Zealand flight crew licence - Overseas licence holders only
24061-03 - Application for flight test conducted by CAA
24061-04 - Application for amendment to a pilot licence
24061-05 - Airline transport pilot licence aeroplane - Flight test report template
24061-06 - Airline transport pilot licence helicopter - Flight test report template
24061-07 - Instrument rating - Aeroplane/helicopter competency demonstration report form
24061-09 - Application for licence recognition under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (for Australian professional pilots only)
24061-11 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for PPL(A)
24061-12 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for PPL(H)
24061-121 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 121
24061-125 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 125
24061-13 - Single pilot certificated aeroplane competency demonstration record
24061-135 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 135
24061-14 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL(A)
24061-15 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL(H)
24061-16 - Flight Test Report: Flight Instructor Rating Competency Demonstration – Aeroplane
24061-17 - Flight test report: Flight instructor rating competency demonstration - Helicopter
24061-18 - Application for issue of a validation permit for pilots only wishing to undertake short term private VFR operations in New Zealand
24061-19 - Application for issue of a validation permit (Foreign CPL and ATPL only)
24061-20 - Flight test report: GA flight examiner rating competency demonstration - (A) or (H)
24061-21 - Demonstration of competency - Type rating - Helicopter
24061-22 - Flight test report: Private pilot issue flight test - Aeroplane
24061-23 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL (Balloon)
24061-25 - Record of competency demonstration for issue or continued competency for the aerobatic rating - Aeroplane
24061-26 - Flight test report: Private pilot issue flight test - Helicopter
24061-30 - Flight test report: Agricultural flight examiner competency demonstration (A) or (H)
24061-31 - Application for accreditation of a new or modified GA synthetic training device (STD) for approved uses
24065-04 - Test form ATS examiner rating
24065-05 - Application for ATS examiner test
24066-01 - Aircraft maintenance engineer licence and/or category
24066-02 - Aircraft maintenance engineer licence - Rating
24066-03 - Aircraft maintenance engineer - Maintenance approval
24066-04 - Recognition of foreign AME licence
24066-05 - Application to exchange to a NZ Part 66 licence
24066-06 - Review of airworthiness aeroplane checklist report (including special category)
24066-07 - Review of airworthiness helicopter checklist report (including special category)
24066-08 - Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act - Licence registration - AME
24066-10 - Application for (IA) inspection authorisation – Certificate issue
24066-11 - Application for (IA) inspection authorisation – Course Initial or Refresher
24066-12 - Review of airworthiness check list report - Hot air balloon
24067-001 - Application for medical certificate
24067-002 - Medical examination report
24067-003 - Medical assessment report
24067-004 - General direction submission form
24067-106 - Consent declaration and request regarding medical information
24067-202 - Electrocardiograph request
24067-203 - Audiometry report
24067-204 - In flight hearing assessment Report
24067-211 - Special eye report
24067-212 - Operational colour vision assessment
24067-213 - Respiratory examination report
24067-214 - Blood pressure examination report