Read our special 'online' Vector stories here. Some are unique to the website, and some have featured in print issues of Vector.

Note: This archive dates back to 2015. So, the advice in some of the earlier articles may have changed.

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A chat with the Young Eagles

vector online young eagles frontpage tile

What is a ‘Young Eagle’? Right now, there are about 350 of them, in 17 aero clubs around New Zealand. Most are between 14 and 18 years of age and they’re made of tough stuff. Many of them work multiple jobs, often at minimum wage, to fund their flying lessons, while also studying at secondary school or university. And they frequently go without many of the things that teens love to do or possess, in order to fly.

Read more about 'A chat with the Young Eagles'...

Posted in Instruction instructors and training, Pilot performance flying practice and professionalism, Audio articles;

Posted 2 years ago

The insider threat to aviation

vector online insider threat

The ‘insider threat’ is the potential for an employee to harm their own organisation – something the New Zealand aviation sector has not been immune to. In this Vector Online interview, we discuss the capacity of an employee at an airport whose behaviour threatens the security of aviation. We talk about what to look for, and what to do about what you see.

Read more about 'The insider threat to aviation'...

Posted in Aerodromes, General safety, Operators, Security, Audio articles;

Posted 2 years ago

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