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Note: This archive dates back to 2015. So, the advice in some of the earlier articles may have changed.

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Currency and competency

currency competency tile

As pilots climb back into the cockpit this summer, some of them won’t have flown for many months. If you suspect some of your flying skills may have been dulled by such a break, consider a dual flight with an instructor, before your summer flying takes off. Listen to this Vector Online article, ‘Currency and competency’ as to why a dual flight is so important. There’s information there for instructors and aero clubs as well as for pilots.

Read more about 'Currency and competency'...

Posted in Pilot performance flying practice and professionalism, Audio articles;

Posted 3 years ago

Overdue. Now what?

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Every year there’s a number of aircraft incidents where RCCNZ becomes involved some time after the accident, meaning a delay in launching search and rescue action. With the busy summer flying season nearly upon us, Senior Search and Rescue Officer Tracy Brickles encourages pilots and operators to notify the Rescue Coordination Centre no longer than 15 minutes after an aircraft is overdue.

Read more about 'Overdue. Now what?'...

Posted in When things go wrong;

Posted 3 years ago

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