Our regulatory decision-making policy is underpinned by our regulatory safety and security strategy and will be used across all areas of the organisation. It guides us in making good regulatory decisions in performing our regulatory role, and in using our regulatory tools.

Regulatory decisions - Operational policy [PDF 698 KB]

The policy applies to all regulatory decisions we may make in accordance with our functions, powers, and duties under the: Civil Aviation Act 2023 (the Act), Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO).

The scope of regulatory decisions includes: system design and the legislation that governs the system, CAA focus areas, Engagement, information and education, certification and licensing, monitoring, investigations, security service delivery, and other regulatory action.

The policy details principles for decisions, our regulatory decision-making model and how we apply public interest considerations.

The policy sits alongside and supports our other operational policies and is implemented through processes, procedures and work tools across our different functions.

If you have questions about this policy, please reach out to our Manager, Operational Policy, Practice and Guidance Rob Scriven.