A collection of our latest corporate publications, including our annual reports and statements of intent.

Annual reports

The Annual Report reviews a single year against the documents that provide the focus for the work of the ‘Authority’. Those documents are the Statement of Intent, Statement of Performance Expectations and the Safety and Security Focus Area Work Programme.

Among other information, Annual Reports outline, for each particular year, the Authority’s financial highlights, its organisational ‘health’ and capability, and its performance in working towards its goals, initiatives, and challenges.

Statements of Intent

Statements of Intent outline, ahead of time, where the focus of the ‘Authority’ (comprising the Civil Aviation Authority and the Aviation Security Service) will be, on which activities, and how it will do that over a certain period of time.

Statements of Performance Expectations

Statements of Performance Expectations outline the Authority’s expected performance in meeting the strategic direction set out in the Statement of Intent for a single year. It describes the ‘outputs’ of the Authority – that is, our core work – and the standards against which we will assess our success in carrying out that core work.

Aviation Security Service Strategic Plan – Horizon 2030

Horizon 2030 sets out a strategic vision for Avsec to "deliver world-class aviation security, that’s trusted, professional and responsive”.

Aviation Security Service Strategic Plan – Horizon 2030 [PDF 4.8 MB]

Regulatory Safety and Security Strategy 2022–27

This regulatory strategy describes our role and purpose, our regulatory approach, the functions we perform, and what we plan to do to succeed.

Regulatory Safety and Security Strategy 2022–27 [PDF 3.3 MB]

Regulatory Safety and Security Strategy 2022–27 - At a glance [PDF 679 KB]