Published date: 25 October 2024

Statement from the Director of Civil Aviation and Chief Executive Keith Manch.

“On Thursday 24 October, the Civil Aviation Authority has released a proposal to our people which includes changes to our systems, practices and structure. The proposal includes disestablishment of some positions, and creation of new positions.

This proposal is part of a change programme which began in March 2024 and is grounded in our vision for a safe and secure aviation system − so people are safe, and feel safe, when they fly. The change programme is timely with the implementation of the Civil Aviation Act 2023 coming into force in April 2025.

The current change proposal follows two internal reviews of our regulatory capability and our workforce design. These reviews found that while CAA has made significant progress towards becoming an intelligence-led and risk-based aviation safety and security regulator, our systems, practices and structure don’t yet provide the right conditions for this to be fully realised.

The change proposal aims to ensure CAA is set up to:

  • Be an efficient and effective aviation safety and security regulator, with a focus on value for money in our activities.
  • Ensure that safety and security standards are maintained in aviation in New Zealand.
  • Meet expectations from a rapidly changing aviation sector, including in relation to emerging aviation technologies and aerospace.
  • Enable participants to support economic growth in New Zealand’s aviation sector.

Our people are invited to give feedback on the proposal through an internal consultation, which is open until 11 November. Our people’s knowledge and expertise will be vital in determining final decisions. Final decisions are expected by December 2024 with implementation from April 2025, ready for the Civil Aviation Act 2023 coming into force that month.

I acknowledge that this change proposal may be of interest to our stakeholders and the public. Therefore it’s our intention to share the final decisions in due course.

In the meantime, while consultation is ongoing, we have a duty to our people to ensure the integrity of the process. Proposed changes to an organisation are always unsettling for people in some way, so supporting them is our priority.

Following the final decisions, any resulting change won’t happen overnight. This is because the proposed changes relate to how we work (systems and practices) as well as structure. This work will take time and the CAA Board and I are committed to supporting my teams and people as we navigate that change together.”

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