Read more about developments in the world of meteorology below.

Emerging hazards

High Level Ice Crystal Icing

Space weather

Volcanic ash


Under the ICAO MET Panel, there are five working groups that are tasked with delivering the MET Panel work programme:

  • Meteorological Requirements and Development (MRAD)
  • Meteorological Information Exchange (MIE)
  • Meteorological Operations Group (MOG)
  • Meteorological Cost Recovery Guidance and Governance (MCRGG)

For an overview of the work that each group focuses on, visit the MET Panel page on the ICAO website.


MET Symposium

The 2025 NZ Aviation Meteorology (MET) Symposium was hosted by CAA on 21 February 2025, with attendees both in-person and online. The focus of this MET Symposium was to look to the future with three themed sessions:

  • Climate change implications
  • Preparing for space weather
  • Future of data

Presentations from all previous symposiums, are available below.


Effects of climate change on aircraft take-off performance EUR [PDF 2.2 MB]

Future of meteorological data [PDF 1.1 MB]

Space weather overview and exercise outcomes [PDF 793 KB]

Flight planning and flight following [PDF 1.2 MB]

QVA service update [PDF 4.5 MB]

Assessing volcanic ash hazard [PDF 8.8 MB]

Climate change projections for NZ and their impacts on aviation [PDF 7.2 MB]


Final Report - 2022 Aviation Meteorology Symposium [PDF 351 KB]

Weather models and the value of the meteorologist (watch)(external link)

Climate change impacts for NZ aviation meteorology (watch)(external link)

Climate change and future implications for airlines - Air NZ [PDF 992 KB]

International MET updates 2022 [PDF 896 KB]

Space weather exercise overview [PDF 696 KB]

Wellington VAAC overview [PDF 1.7 MB]

MetService activities update [PDF 2.8 MB]

Navigatus Queenstown basin turbulence update [PDF 877 KB]


Final Report - 2021 Aviation Meteorology Symposium [PDF 344 KB]

A Day in the Life of an Aviation Meteorologist - watch(external link)

Metservice Update [PDF 6.1 MB]

Navigatus Update [PDF 21 MB]

International MET Developments [PDF 314 KB]

VAAC Wellington update [PDF 2.8 MB]

Volcano Observatory Communication [PDF 1.9 MB]

Changes to Initial VA SIGMET NZZC [PDF 558 KB]


Final report - 2020 Aviation Meteorology Symposium [PDF 412 KB]

Airways Update [PDF 497 KB]

International MET System Developments and Progress [PDF 2.6 MB]

New Southern Sky SWIM Sub-Group MET Update [PDF 326 KB]

NZ Volcanic Ash Advisory System Refresh [PDF 418 KB]

Pacific MET Activities Update [PDF 1.2 MB]

Aviation and Volcano Observatories [PDF 3.7 MB]

MetService Update [PDF 4.4 MB]

ICAO Developments in Volcanic Hazard Information [PDF 3.1 MB]


Final report - 2019 Aviation Meteorology Symposium [PDF 1.1 MB]

International ICAO developments 2019 [PDF 1 MB]

MET Symposium 2019 - terms of reference [PDF 769 KB]

MetService - reflection and realignment [PDF 1.8 MB]

Navigatus briefing 2019 [PDF 19 MB]

Pacific MET update [PDF 1 MB]

University of Otago - space weather impacts on aviation [PDF 4.7 MB]


Airways Update Meteorology Symposium [PDF 2 MB]

An Airports Perspective on Aviation Meteorology [PDF 53 KB]

Aviation Meteorological Services - Australian Bureau of Meteorology [PDF 944 KB]

Future Surveillance Systems - MET Symposium Update [PDF 1.6 MB]

MetService Update - Research and Development [PDF 3.8 MB]

New Southern Sky - Briefing to MET Symposium [PDF 1.5 MB]

MET Symposium 2018 [PDF 3.1 MB]

Pacific Met - A Fiji Airways perspective [PDF 2.3 MB]

MetService - New Meteorological Manuals for PPL,CPL and ATPL Pilots Coming soon [PDF 774 KB]

New Zealand Aviation Meteorology Symposium 2018 Final Report [PDF 777 KB]


New Zealand Aviation MET Symposium, CAA [PDF 2.2 MB]

SWIM and IWXXM Overview, CAA [PDF 414 KB]

Aviation Meteorology - An Airports Perspective, NZ Airports Association [PDF 1.5 MB]

Airways NZ view of future use of MET information, Airways NZ [PDF 586 KB]

Aviation Weather Services - Australian Perspectives, Australian Bureau of Meteorology [PDF 6.5 MB]

MetService presentation, MetService [PDF 7.7 MB]

New Zealand Aviation Meteorology Symposium Final Report, CAA [PDF 68 KB]

 Ask us about meteorology

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