
Myopia is the result of a long eye with the images focusing in front of the retina. Distance vision is affected and requires concave lenses for correction, thus reducing the images size on the retina. When myopes become affected by presbyopia they require bifocals or varifocal with reduced myopic correction in the lower segment of the spectacles lenses. Alternatively, if using contact lenses, they will need near vision half spectacles to be readily available.

Young myopes commonly see their refractive error increase until the age of about 25. Thus myopes under this age, particularly teenagers, should have their vision performance assessed more frequently, perhaps every two years.

Information to be provided

A special eye report must or should be provided in the following circumstances:

  • As required in the Timing of Routine Examination GD [PDF 500 KB];
  • On the first occasion that an applicant presents with contact lenses;
  • On the first occasion that an applicant presents with uncorrected distance visual acuity of 6/60 or worse in either eye;
  • Every five years if an applicant has uncorrected distance visual acuity of 6/60 or worse, in accordance with ICAO recommendation;
  • Every 2 years or as determined by the ME, if an applicant is young and the ME suspects that the refractive error has not yet stabilised. Alternatively, in this latter situation, the ME may elect to review the applicant and only refer if the standards are not met.

Disposition in case of myopia

An applicant with myopia who only meets the standards when using corrective lenses must have the medical certificate endorsed accordingly:

  • Distance spectacles must be worn; or
  • Distance spectacles must be worn, contact lenses permitted (if using contact lenses); and
  • Spare spectacles must be readily available.