Primary Legislation: Civil Aviation Act s27B(1) refers to 'the report of the medical examiner'
Secondary Legislation: CAR Part 67.57
Form: 24067-002 Medical Examination Report [PDF 83 KB]
To be completed by: The Medical Examiner

Once a properly completed Application for Medical Certificate has been received, the Medical Examiner (ME) can commence history taking, examination and investigation as necessary.

Medical Examination Report

This Medical Examination Report form is the examining ME’s responsibility and contains the following:

  • Confirmation by the ME of the applicant’s identity, refer to Identification of applicant;
  • Relevant medical history (including follow-up questioning concerning positive responses made in the application and any other matter of clinical relevance);
  • Details concerning height and weight, blood pressure and pulse, urinalysis, electrocardiogram and blood lipid evaluations;
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment in accordance with the relevant General Direction (GD);
  • Systems review of the applicant;
  • Spirometry result;
  • Dates of tests conducted;
  • Report of any other matters identified;
  • Signature, date and stamp of the ME.

If additional space is required the ME should attach additional page(s) to the Medical Examination form.

If the ME has the appropriate delegation(s), that ME can assess the applicant for the issue of a Medical Certificate. Refer to Assessment by Medical Examiner.

If not, the necessary report(s) must be forwarded to a ME who holds the appropriate delegation(s).

Identification of applicant

Under rule 67.55(2) an applicant must produce a current NZ Passport, a current NZ Driver Licence, or an equivalent photographic identification that is acceptable to the Director:

  • A current photographic identity Card issued by the New Zealand Defence Force, New Zealand Police or the New Zealand Fire Service
  • A current CAA Airport Identity Card
  • A current New Zealand firearms Licence
  • A valid and current foreign passport, or
  • A valid and current photographic national identity document issued by a foreign State.

The ME should attach a photocopy of the photographic identification produced by the applicant at the time of a first application.

CAA identification number

All CAA participants are identified by a unique CAA identification number.

When dealing with a new applicant, the ME must obtain from CAA the identification number by sending a request and the first page of the application to

CAA can usually provide this number within 2 working days.

The number must be entered on all forms and documents.

Key points

  • The examining ME is to only write comments on the medical examination report, not on the application form;
  • The examining ME must complete the examination in full and attach any other relevant documentation;
  • The examining ME must submit the application and the examination reports without delay to the ME who will be conducting the assessment, if different;
  • All documents must carry the CAA identification number.