Requirement to notify CAA

Medical Examiner absences of more than 5 working days should be notified to CAA, to assist in case of an inquiry to CAA by an applicant.

In all cases of absence of any duration it is the responsibility of the ME to ensure that any applicant under consideration will not be disadvantaged by any delays resulting from the absence. For instance the absence should not result in an applicant’s inability to work.

To avoid such occurrence it may be better to pass on the assessment to another ME prior to departure.

Whenever the CAA is advised of an ME absence and is made aware that an AMC is expected back by a certain date, CAA tries to provide the AMC in time, if all necessary information is available to do so.

Key points

In case of absence by the ME of more than 5 working days, the ME should:

  • Notify the CAA of the absence;
  • Notify the CAA of the applications being processed;
  • Notify the CAA of the name of the ME(s) assessing the applications during the absence.