If you want the right to be part of New Zealand’s aviation system, you have to prove you’re sufficiently sensible, careful, and law-abiding to be allowed that right.
Complete the fit and proper person questionnaire, providing:
It will take a minimum of four weeks to get the MOJ report (free), but a paid report can be sourced from Veritas Check New Zealand(external link).
Your application can’t be processed unless you use the right forms and provide the right information.
24FPP Fit and proper person questionnaire [PDF 504 KB]
Note: If you'll be submitting the questionnaire after 5 April 2025, use one of these versions:
24FPP Fit and proper person questionnaire - CA Act 2023 - Word [DOCX 61 KB]
24FPP Fit and proper person questionnaire - CA Act 2023 - PDF [PDF 300 KB]
A shorter fit and proper person declaration can be used if:
24FPPDEC Fit and proper person declaration [PDF 1.1 MB]
Note: If you'll be submitting the declaration after 5 April 2025, use one of these versions:
24FPPDEC Fit and proper person declaration - CA Act 2023 - Word [DOCX 54 KB]
24FPPDEC Fit and proper person declaration - CA Act 2023 - PDF [PDF 162 KB]
If you receive any driving or criminal convictions since your last FPP assessment, you should advise the CAA as soon as possible.
The CA Act 2023, effective from 5 April 2025, introduces some minor changes to fit and proper person (FPP) assessments. Specifically, section 80 of the CA Act 2023(external link) adds a person’s use of drugs and alcohol, and any convictions for offences under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, as matters to be considered during a FPP assessment.
CAA’s FPP Assessment Policy and Handbook have been updated to reflect these changes. The Handbook clarifies that the assessment of a person’s use of drugs or alcohol is focused on whether it has the potential to negatively affect their fitness to hold an aviation document (or perform a senior person role). This addition is based on the ICAO Manual on Prevention of Problematic Use of Substances in the Aviation Workplace.
Aircraft owners must declare they're fit and proper. This is done within the application forms for initial registration and change of possession of an aircraft.
To make the fit and proper person process transparent and fair to participants, we have published a fit and proper person policy, and handbook.
If you have any questions about this topic, use our contact form, or email licensing@caa.govt.nz.