Our Certification teams are consistently carrying heavy workloads and because of this, you can expect delays with your application(s). To help us process your application smoother, please plan ahead, get applications in early, ensure that your applications are on the current (not outdated) forms, and that they’re complete with all appropriate information.

Under Part 115 Adventure Aviation - Certification and Operations, all adventure aviation operators must hold an operator certificate.

The AOC application process takes time. How long depends on the accuracy of the information supplied in your application, and the complexity of your operations.

1. Decide on the scope of your adventure aviation activity

Will your organisation be conducting one type of activity (for example, gliding), or multiple activities, such as microlight flights and special category aircraft operations?

2. Identify appropriate senior persons for your organisation

Each senior person must complete a Fit and Proper Person form (24FPP) [PDF 504 KB] and provide the following supporting documents (originals or certified copies):

A Curriculum Vitae;
Proof of identity;
Proof of address for service;
Criminal Record History from the Ministry of Justice;
Offence History Report from the NZ Transport Agency.

Plan ahead, because it can take five to six weeks to obtain these reports.

3. Complete the application form

24115/01 - Application for Issue or Renewal of an Adventure Aviation Certificate [PDF 415 KB]

24115/10 - Application for Amendment of an Adventure Aviation Certificate [PDF 651 KB]

4. Develop a company exposition using the Part 115 Compliance Matrices

24115/02 - Compliance Matrix - Common requirements [DOCX 223 KB]

24115/02I - Hot air balloon [DOC 85 KB]

24115/02J - Parachute-drop aircraft [DOC 119 KB]

24115/02K - Tandem parachutes [DOC 131 KB]

24115/02L - Gliders [DOC 158 KB]

24115/02M - Hang gliders and paragliders [DOC 165 KB]

24115/02O - Special aircraft operations [DOC 82 KB]

24115/02P - Microlight aircraft [DOC 166 KB]

Matrices are designed to speed up the certification process by ensuring every applicable rule requirement has been addressed in your exposition. If required policies and procedures can be located in your exposition quickly, this will reduce the cost of certification.

5. Submit your application

Send everything in at the same time: application form 24115/01 [PDF 415 KB] (or 24115/10 [PDF 651 KB] for an amendment) and the required attachments listed on the form, your exposition and completed compliance matrices, 24FPP [DOCX 61 KB] forms and supporting documentation for each nominated senior person. A minimum charge of four hours at the CAA standard hourly rate is payable at the time of application.

Applications need to be received by the CAA at least 60 days prior to renewal or the expected certification date. Applications will not be processed unless they are completed correctly. If we don’t have a 60 day period to complete before expiry, you risk not being able to operate past your expiry date until the certificate has been renewed.

6. Prepare for a site inspection

Ensure that all aircraft and personnel documentation is available and up to date, and that senior persons are available to be interviewed. Your senior persons should fully understand the company exposition, and the responsibilities of their role contained in the exposition.

 Ask us about adventure aviation

If you have any questions about this topic, use our contact form, or email certification@caa.govt.nz