Find out more about our flight instructor seminars below.
The seminars will be run in three locations this year: Christchurch, Hamilton and Wellington. These two-day seminars cover a range of different topics, aimed for all flight instructors. There is a limit of 50 attendees at each seminar, with a limit of 3 attendees from the same organisation, at each location.
Some of the topics included:
2024 Flight instructor seminar programme [PDF 213 KB]
To register for the events, click the links below to open the payment portal.
There is a non-refundable fee of $50 including GST, per person to attend.
All accommodation and travel costs are at your own expense. Breakfast on day 2 and all beverages (except regular tea/coffee/water) across both days are NOT included, however morning/afternoon tea and lunch are included on both days, as well as dinner at the end of day 1.
For those registered to attend:
Any questions, please contact