The Civil Aviation Act 2023 comes into effect on 5 April 2025. The forms linked on this page have been updated to reflect the new Act. If you’re applying under the Civil Aviation Act 2023, please use these realigned forms.

102SE001 Part 102 Pilot medical self-assessment — Annex A [PDF 226 KB]

102SE001 Part 102 Planning and operational risk assessment — Annex B form [PDF 1.2 MB]

102SE001 Part 102 Property owner occupier notification form — Annex C [DOCX 27 KB]

102SE001EN - Sample Exposition Explanatory Note [PDF 482 KB]

102SE001OM - Part 102 operations manual [DOCX 172 KB]

2171 - Agreement to supply manufacturer's data [DOC 64 KB]

24011-01 - Petition to raise a regulatory issue [DOC 86 KB]

24011-02 - Application for an exemption [DOCX 178 KB]

24019-01 - Application for issue, renewal or amendment of a certificate of approval for supply [DOCX 70 KB]

24019-02 - Part 19F matrix [DOCX 200 KB]

24019-04 - Application for test pilot approval - Experimental flying [DOCX 57 KB]

24019-05 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for a supply organisation [DOC 106 KB]

24021-01 - Application for issue or amendment of a type certificate [DOCX 44 KB]

24021-02 - Issue or amendment of a type acceptance certificate form [DOCX 44 KB]

24021-05 - Issue of standard/restricted airworthiness certificate form [DOCX 55 KB]

24021-07 - Issue of a special flight permit form [DOCX 43 KB]

24021-08 - Application for a change to a type certificate [DOCX 37 KB]

24021-09 - Issue of a supplemental type certificate form [DOCX 32 KB]

24021-10 - Issue of an export certificate of airworthiness form [DOCX 39 KB]

24021-11 - Application for deviation from specification [DOCX 39 KB]

24021-12 - Technical standard order authorisation form [DOCX 38 KB]

24021-13 - Parts manufacturing approval authorisation form [DOCX 36 KB]

24021-14 - Light sport aircraft statement of compliance form [DOCX 37 KB]

24021-22 - Application for one-off major design change authorisation [DOC 514 KB]

24021-06A - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (experimental) [DOCX 61 KB]

24021-06B - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (exhibition or limited) [DOCX 62 KB]

24021-06C - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (amateur-built) [DOCX 59 KB]

24021-06D - Application for special category airworthiness certificate (LSA) [DOCX 60 KB]

24021-20 - Electrical Load Analysis [PDF 221 KB]

24039-01 - Application for alternate means of compliance form [PDF 219 KB]

24047-01 - Registration of aircraft form [DOCX 64 KB]

24047-03 - Change of possession of aircraft form [DOCX 57 KB]

24047-03A - Change of possession of aircraft form (use when the person relinquishing possession is unavailable) [DOCX 51 KB]

24047-04 - Identifiable paint scheme and marking form [DOCX 44 KB]

24047-05 - Deregistration of aircraft form Word [DOCX 48 KB]

24047-05 - Deregistration of aircraft form PDF [PDF 2.3 MB]

24047-08 - Operator statement details [DOC 193 KB]

24047-09 - Submission of an irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation [DOCX 16 KB]

24047-09A - Irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation - Section 109 of the Civil Aviation Act 1991 [DOCX 42 KB]

24047-10 - Removal request - irrevocable de-registration and export request authorisation [DOCX 39 KB]

24047-13 - Application for deferral of participation levy [DOC 75 KB]

24047-14 - Application to change the registration mark of a New Zealand registered aircraft Word [DOCX 49 KB]

24047-14 - Application to change the registration mark of a New Zealand registered aircraft PDF [PDF 2.5 MB]

24061-01 - Application for issue of flight crew licence or prime rating [DOCX 98 KB]

24061-02 - Application for issue of New Zealand flight crew licence - Overseas licence holders only [DOCX 85 KB]

24061-03 - Application for flight test conducted by CAA Word [DOCX 63 KB]

24061-03 - Application for flight test conducted by CAA PDF [PDF 2.4 MB]

24061-04 - Application for amendment to a pilot licence [DOCX 86 KB]

24061-05 - Airline transport pilot licence aeroplane - Flight test report template [DOCX 48 KB]

24061-06 - Airline transport pilot licence helicopter - Flight test report template [PDF 286 KB]

24061-07 - Instrument rating - Aeroplane/helicopter competency demonstration report form [PDF 384 KB]

24061-09 - Application for licence recognition under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (for Australian professional pilots only) Word [DOCX 66 KB]

24061-09 - Application for licence recognition under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (for Australian professional pilots only) PDF [PDF 2 MB]

24061-11 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for PPL(A) [PDF 581 KB]

24061-12 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for PPL(H) [PDF 384 KB]

24061-121 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 121 [PDF 369 KB]

24061-125 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 125 [PDF 528 KB]

24061-13 - Single pilot certificated aeroplane competency demonstration record [PDF 635 KB]

24061-135 - Flight test report: Airline flight examiner rating competency demonstration - Part 135 [PDF 251 KB]

24061-14 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL(A) [PDF 522 KB]

24061-15 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL(H) [PDF 327 KB]

24061-16 - Flight Test Report: Flight Instructor Rating Competency Demonstration – Aeroplane [PDF 178 KB]

24061-17 - Flight test report: Flight instructor rating competency demonstration - Helicopter [PDF 157 KB]

24061-18 - Application for issue of a validation permit for pilots only wishing to undertake short term private VFR operations in New Zealand [DOCX 40 KB]

24061-19 - Application for issue of a validation permit (Foreign CPL and ATPL only) [DOCX 57 KB]

24061-20 - Flight test report: GA flight examiner rating competency demonstration - (A) or (H) [PDF 451 KB]

24061-21 - Demonstration of competency - Type rating - Helicopter [PDF 592 KB]

24061-22 - Flight test report: Private pilot issue flight test - Aeroplane [PDF 735 KB]

24061-23 - Record of BFR - Demonstration of continued competency for CPL (Balloon) [DOCX 36 KB]

24061-25 - Record of competency demonstration for issue or continued competency for the aerobatic rating - Aeroplane [PDF 210 KB]

24061-26 - Flight test report: Private pilot issue flight test - Helicopter [DOCX 63 KB]

24061-30 - Flight test report: Agricultural flight examiner competency demonstration (A) or (H) [PDF 159 KB]

24061-31 - Application for accreditation of a new or modified GA synthetic training device (STD) for approved uses [DOCX 54 KB]

24065-04 - Test form ATS examiner rating [PDF 218 KB]

24065-05 - Application for ATS examiner test Word [DOCX 47 KB]

24065-05 - Application for ATS examiner test PDF [PDF 300 KB]

24066-01 - Aircraft maintenance engineer licence and/or category [DOCX 150 KB]

24066-02 - Aircraft maintenance engineer licence - Rating [DOCX 146 KB]

24066-03 - Aircraft maintenance engineer - Maintenance approval [DOCX 144 KB]

24066-04 - Recognition of foreign AME licence [DOCX 142 KB]

24066-05 - Application to exchange to a NZ Part 66 licence [DOCX 137 KB]

24066-06 - Review of airworthiness aeroplane checklist report (including special category) [DOCX 240 KB]

24066-07 - Review of airworthiness helicopter checklist report (including special category) [DOCX 236 KB]

24066-08 - Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act - Licence registration - AME [DOCX 139 KB]

24066-10 - Application for (IA) inspection authorisation – Certificate issue [DOCX 155 KB]

24066-11 - Application for (IA) inspection authorisation – Course Initial or Refresher [DOCX 139 KB]

24066-12 - Review of airworthiness check list report - Hot air balloon [DOCX 51 KB]

24067-001 - Application for a medical certificate [PDF 2.2 MB]

24067-002 - Medical examination report [PDF 83 KB]

24067-004 - General direction submission form [DOC 73 KB]

24067-202 - Electrocardiograph request [DOCX 34 KB]

24067-203 - Audiometry report [PDF 220 KB]

24067-204 - In flight hearing assessment report [PDF 115 KB]

24067-211 - Special eye report [PDF 1 MB]

24067-212 - Operational colour vision assessment [DOCX 39 KB]

24067-213 - Respiratory examination report [DOCX 39 KB]

24067-214 - Blood pressure examination report [DOCX 43 KB]

24067-215 - Headache/migraine investigation report [PDF 410 KB]

24067-216 - Diabetes report [PDF 332 KB]

24067-217 - Ageing pilot report [PDF 148 KB]

24067-300 - Accredited medical conclusion - Request for identification of experts Word [DOCX 39 KB]

24067-300 - Accredited medical conclusion - Request for identification of experts PDF [PDF 1.6 MB]

24067-401 - Suspension of certificate Word [DOCX 46 KB]

24067-401 - Suspension of certificate PDF [PDF 1.4 MB]

24067-402 - Restriction of certificate [DOCX 44 KB]

24067-403 - Withdrawal of conditions, restrictions and endorsements [DOCX 81 KB]

24067-404 - Cancellation of suspension of certificate [DOCX 41 KB]

24067-405 - Extension of suspension of certificate [DOCX 42 KB]

24067-406 - Extension of restriction of certificate [DOCX 42 KB]

24067-407 - Application for replacement of a medical certificate Word [DOCX 293 KB]

24067-407 - Application for replacement of a medical certificate PDF [PDF 285 KB]

24067-502 - Fit and proper person questionnaire - Medical examiner designation [PDF 136 KB]

24071-01 - Application for designated airspace or visual reporting point [PDF 490 KB]

24077-01A - Notice of proposal to construct or alter a structure [DOCX 33 KB]

24077-01B - Notice of proposal to use a light or laser [DOCX 32 KB]

24077-01C - Notice of proposal to use pyrotechnics or weapons [DOCX 32 KB]

24077-01D - Notice of proposal to discharge efflux [DOCX 33 KB]

24091-01 - Approval or revision of a minimum equipment List (MEL) [DOCX 33 KB]

24091-02 - Part 91 application for approval or amendment of a maintenance programme (hire or reward aircraft) [DOCX 271 KB]

24091-02P - Part 91 application for approval or amendment of a maintenance programme (private operator or non-hire or reward aircraft) [DOCX 216 KB]

24091-03 - Application for aviation event authorisation [DOCX 98 KB]

24091-05 - Application for callsign [DOCX 41 KB]

24091-06 - Application for a temporary escalation to an approved maintenance programme [PDF 509 KB]

24091-07 - Part 91 application for operational approval [DOCX 244 KB]

24091-09 - Application for electronic flight bag use operational approval [DOC 113 KB]

24091-10 - Application for Individual Aircraft Noise Certificate under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 91 [DOCX 32 KB]

24092-01 - Application for issue or renewal of a packaging approval under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 92 [DOC 122 KB]

24092-02DG Part 92 carriage of dangerous goods (DG) rule checklist [DOCX 219 KB]

24092-03 Application for issue or renewal of a dangerous goods approval under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 92 [DOCX 45 KB]

24095-01 - Application for registration of an instrument flight procedure under CAR Part 95 [PDF 173 KB]

24099-01- Part 99 DAMP template [DOCX 38 KB]

24099-02 - Part 99 Approval of drug and alcohol management plan - compliance matrix [DOCX 175 KB]

24100-02 - Safety management system evaluation tool [DOC 717 KB]

24102-01 - Application for issue or renewal of an unmanned aircraft operator certificate under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 102 [DOCX 69 KB]

24102-02 - Application for amendment of an unmanned aircraft operator certificate Word [DOCX 73 KB]

24102-02 - Application for amendment of an unmanned aircraft operator certificate PDF [PDF 1.4 MB]

24102-03 - Part 102 rule compliance matrix [DOC 494 KB]

24102-12 - Exposition amendment summary for an unmanned aircraft operator [DOCX 61 KB]

24103-01 - Application for issue or amendment of a microlight aircraft flight permit Word [DOCX 55 KB]

24103-01 - Application for issue or amendment of a microlight aircraft flight permit PDF [PDF 1.1 MB]

24103-02 - Class 2 microlight survey form [PDF 43 KB]

24108-02 - Part 108 air operator & foreign air transport operator – security programme rule checklist [DOCX 229 KB]

24109-01 - Application for issue, renewal, or amendment of a regulated air cargo agent certificate Word [DOCX 60 KB]

24109-01 - Application for issue, renewal, or amendment of a regulated air cargo agent certificate PDF [PDF 236 KB]

24109-02 - Part 109 rule compliance matrix [PDF 749 KB]

24109-03 - Part 109 exposition amendment summary sheet [DOC 473 KB]

24115-01 - Application for issue or renewal of an adventure aviation operator certificate under Civil Aviation Rules, Part 115 [DOCX 78 KB]

24115-01A - Part 115 - Request for unique identification of unregistered aircraft (parachute, hang glider, paraglider) [DOC 78 KB]

24115-01B - Change of possession of Part 115 unregistered aircraft with unique identification (parachute, hang glider, paraglider) [DOC 241 KB]

24115-01C - Part 115 removal request (parachute, hang glider, paraglider) [DOC 76 KB]

24115-02 - Part 115 compliance matrix - Common requirements [DOCX 89 KB]

24115-02I - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Hot air balloon operations [DOC 87 KB]

24115-02J - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Parachute drop aircraft operations [DOC 123 KB]

24115-02K - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Tandem parachute operations [DOC 135 KB]

24115-02L - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Glider operations [DOC 164 KB]

24115-02M - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Hang glider and paraglider operations [DOC 174 KB]

24115-02O - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Special aircraft operations [DOC 83 KB]

24115-02P - Part 115 rule compliance matrix - Microlight aircraft operations [DOC 171 KB]

24115-08 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for an adventure aviation operator [DOC 117 KB]

24115-10 - Application for amendment of an adventure aviation operator certificate [DOCX 79 KB]

24119-01 AMENDMENT - Part 119 air operator certificate application for amendment [DOCX 5.4 MB]

24119-01 ISSUE - Part 119 air operator certificate application for issue [DOCX 303 KB]

24119-01 RENEWAL - Part 119 air operator certificate application for renewal [DOCX 309 KB]

24119-08 - Part 119 air operator - Part 121 large aeroplanes - operations rule checklist [DOCX 654 KB]

24119-08M - Part 119 air operator – Part 121 large aeroplanes and Part 125 medium aeroplanes - maintenance rule checklist [DOCX 278 KB]

24119-09 - Part 119 air operator – Part 125 medium aeroplanes – operations rule checklist [DOCX 524 KB]

24119-11 - Part 119 application for accreditation of a new or modified aeroplane flight simulator for use [DOCX 213 KB]

24119-12 - Part 119 air operator exposition - amendment summary sheet [DOCX 206 KB]

24129-01 - Part 129 application for issue, renewal or amendment of foreign air transport operator certificate Word [DOCX 79 KB]

24129-01 - Part 129 application for issue, renewal or amendment of foreign air transport operator certificate PDF [PDF 1.9 MB]

24129-01A - Exposition (this is a manual) template [DOCX 83 KB]

24129-02 - Part 129 foreign air transport operator certificate - compliance matrix [DOCX 209 KB]

24129-01B - Exposition guide to completion [DOCX 61 KB]

24135-01 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 airline – helicopters and small aeroplanes – operations rule checklist [DOCX 300 KB]

24135-02 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 airline – helicopters and small aeroplanes - maintenance rule checklist [DOCX 261 KB]

24135-03 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – helicopters and small aeroplanes – maintenance rule checklist [DOCX 233 KB]

24135-04 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – helicopters – operations rule checklist [DOCX 290 KB]

24135-05 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – small aeroplanes VFR - operations rule checklist [DOCX 271 KB]

24135-06 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – small aeroplanes IFR – operations rule checklist [DOCX 254 KB]

24135-07 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – small aeroplanes – internal training and competency rule checklist [DOCX 120 KB]

24135-08 - Part 119 air operator – Part 135 general aviation – small aeroplanes – external training and competency rule checklist [DOCX 120 KB]

24137-01 AMENDMENT - Part 137 agricultural aircraft operator certificate application for amendment [DOCX 248 KB]

24137-03 Part 137 Agricultural Operations [PDF 619 KB]

24137-01 ISSUE - Part 137 agricultural aircraft operator certificate application for issue [DOCX 250 KB]

24137-01 RENEWAL - Part 137 agricultural aircraft operator certificate application for renewal [DOCX 248 KB]

24137-02 - Part 137 nomination of agricultural chief pilot [DOCX 223 KB]

24137-04 - Part 137 aeroplanes – issue of agricultural rating or annual continued competency demonstration [DOCX 220 KB]

24137-05 - Part 137 helicopters - issue of agricultural rating or annual continued competency demonstration [DOCX 218 KB]

24137-06 - Part 137 agricultural aircraft operator – safety management rule checklist [DOCX 205 KB]

24137-07 - Part 137 safety management documentation amendment summary sheet [DOCX 205 KB]

24139-01 - Part 139 application for issue or renewal of an aerodrome operating certificate [DOCX 85 KB]

24139-02 - Application for amendment of an aerodrome operating certificate under CAR Part 139 [DOCX 89 KB]

24139-03 - Application for the amendment of an aerodrome ATS status [DOCX 38 KB]

24139-04 - Part 139 rule compliance matrix [DOCX 147 KB]

24139-05 - Rules 139.76 and 139.411 Movement Data Reporting for Certificated and Qualifying Aerodromes [XLSX 63 KB]

24139-06 - Rule 139.505 Movement Data Reporting for Non-Certificated Aerodromes [XLSX 534 KB]

24139-07 - Part 139 qualifying aerodrome compliance matrix [DOC 223 KB]

24140-02 - Part 140 aviation security service organisations certification - compliance matrix [DOCX 108 KB]

24141-01 - Issue, renewal, or amendment of an aviation training organisation certificate [DOCX 79 KB]

24141-02 - Part 141 compliance matrix [DOCX 210 KB]

24141-03 - Part 141 exposition amendment summary sheet for an aviation training organisation [DOC 119 KB]

24145-01 - Maintenance organisation certificate Word [DOCX 75 KB]

24145-01 - Maintenance organisation certificate PDF [PDF 8.9 MB]

24145-02 - Part 145 compliance matrix [DOCX 193 KB]

24145-03 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for an aircraft maintenance organisation Word [DOC 113 KB]

24145-03 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for an aircraft maintenance organisation PDF [PDF 758 KB]

24146-01 - Application for the issue, amendment or renewal of an aircraft design organisation certificate [DOCX 59 KB]

24146-02 - Part 146 compliance matrix [DOCX 193 KB]

24146-03 - Exposition amendment summary for an aircraft maintenance organisation [DOCX 61 KB]

24147-01 - Application for issue, renewal, or amendment of a maintenance training organisation certificate [DOCX 75 KB]

24147-02 - Exposition amendment summary sheet for a maintenance training organisation certificate [DOC 116 KB]

24147-03 - Part 147 compliance matrix [DOCX 68 KB]

24148-01 - Aircraft manufacturing organisation certificate [DOCX 57 KB]

24148-02 - Part 148 compliance matrix [DOC 294 KB]

24149-01 - Aviation recreation organisation certificate [DOCX 49 KB]

24149-02 - Request for Vector subscription for non-licensed aviation participants [DOC 240 KB]

24149-03 - Part 149 compliance matrix [DOC 208 KB]

24157-01 - Notice of aerodrome or heliport proposal Word [DOCX 61 KB]

24157-01 - Notice of aerodrome or heliport proposal PDF [PDF 1.3 MB]

24171-01 - Application for issue or renewal of a telecommunication service certificate [DOC 211 KB]

24171-02 - Application for identification code or call sign [DOCX 39 KB]

24171-03 - Part 171 compliance matrix [DOCX 175 KB]

24171-04 - Application for amendment of a telecommunication service certificate [DOC 178 KB]

24172-01 - Application for issue or renewal of an air traffic service certificate CAR Part 172 [DOC 208 KB]

24172-02 - Part 172 compliance matrix [DOC 817 KB]

24172-03 - Application for a trial under Civil Aviation Rule 172.155 [PDF 150 KB]

24172-04 - Application for amendment of an air traffic service certificate [DOC 531 KB]

24173-01 - Application for issue or renewal of an instrument flight procedure service certificate [DOCX 64 KB]

24173-02 - Part 173 compliance matrix [DOC 356 KB]

24173-03 - Application for amendment of an instrument flight procedure service certificate [DOC 527 KB]

24174-01 - Application for issue or renewal of a meteorological service organisation certificate [DOC 547 KB]

24174-02 - Part 174 compliance matrix [DOC 273 KB]

24174-03 - Application for amendment of a meteorological service organisation certificate [DOC 530 KB]

24175-01 - Application for issue or renewal of an aeronautical information service certificate [DOCX 63 KB]

24175-02 - Part 175 compliance matrix [DOC 401 KB]

24175-03 - Application for amendment of an aeronautical information service certificate [DOC 171 KB]

24175-04 - Application for Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) amendment Word [DOCX 162 KB]

24175-04 - Application for Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) amendment PDF [PDF 471 KB]

24FPP Fit and proper person questionnaire [DOCX 61 KB]

24FPP Fit and proper person questionnaire [PDF 300 KB]

24FPPDEC Fit and proper person declaration [DOCX 54 KB]

24FPPDEC Fit and proper person declaration [PDF 162 KB]

Aircraft Operations Statistics Helicopter and Part 137 Agricultural Operators [XLS 155 KB]

Aircraft Operations Statistics Form Part 135 Air Transport and Part 141 Training Operations [XLSX 170 KB]

Aircraft Operations Statistics Part 115 Adventure Aviation Operators [XLS 123 KB]

Aircraft Operations Statistics Part 121 and 125 Air Transport Operators [XLS 148 KB]

Arriel 1 Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 86 KB]

Arriel 2 Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 85 KB]

Arrius 1A Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 85 KB]

Arrius 2 Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 85 KB]

Arrius 2F Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 85 KB]

Artouste III Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 84 KB]

CA005 - Occurrence report [PDF 293 KB]

CA005AG - Occurrence report - Helicopter and agricultural aviation [PDF 1013 KB]

CA005B - Bird incident notification Word [DOC 83 KB]

CA005B - Bird incident notification PDF [PDF 183 KB]

CA005D - Defect report Word [DOC 161 KB]

CA005D - Defect report PDF [PDF 82 KB]

CA005i - Occurrence investigation report Word [DOCX 50 KB]

CA005i - Occurrence investigation report PDF [PDF 388 KB]

CA005R RACAs - Report an occurrence Word [DOCX 35 KB]

CA005R RACAs - Report an occurrence PDF [PDF 172 KB]

CA005RPAS - Occurrence report - Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS/UAVs) [PDF 1.4 MB]

CA005SKYDIVE - Occurrence report - Adventure aviation skydiving operations [PDF 1.3 MB]

CA006 - Technical Log [PDF 94 KB]

CA010 - Volcanic activity report [DOCX 38 KB]

CAA Section 13A - Emergency flight notification and report [DOC 97 KB]

CAA043 01 - AC43-14 modification record [DOC 97 KB]

CAA2115 - Eligibility statement amateur-built aircraft [DOCX 41 KB]

CAA337 - Design change - Application for approval of technical data (Part 21), and conformity certificate - Major modification, major repair (Part 43) [DOC 123 KB]

CAA600 - Application for replacement licence [PDF 590 KB]

CAA601 - Application for exchange to new format licence [DOCX 60 KB]

CAA602 - Application for licence verification [DOCX 58 KB]

CAA603 - Application for licence verification of occurrence(s) [DOCX 37 KB]

CAA605 - Aircraft operations statistics [PDF 1.1 MB]

CAA700 - Application for Delegation of the Director [DOCX 70 KB]

CAA800 - Laser beam exposure questionnaire [PDF 690 KB]

CAA810 - NPRM submission form [PDF 1.6 MB]

CAA8110 3 - Statement of compliance with airworthiness requirements [PDF 15 KB]

CAA8120 10 - Request for conformity [PDF 75 KB]

CAA8130 9 - Statement of conformity [PDF 33 KB]

CAA820 - Application for support to obtain foreign validation of a New Zealand aviation design approval [PDF 823 KB]

CAA2102 - Aircraft weight and balance report form [DOC 55 KB]

CAA2129 - Aircraft Radio Station Approval form [DOCX 45 KB]

CAA2173 - Weight and balance data - fillable Word [DOC 71 KB]

CAA2173 - Weight and balance data - PDF [PDF 285 KB]

ICAO-ANSP - Wake vortex reporting form for air navigation service providers [PDF 59 KB]

ICAO-Pilot - Wake vortex reporting form for pilots [PDF 1.9 MB]

Maintenance programme template [DOC 111 KB]

Section 1 Airworthiness Directive Logbook [DOC 57 KB]